Category Archives: Computing & Internet

1600 Guests Turned Up At Birthday Party

I read an article recently which made me laugh. Apparently, a 16-year-old girl sent out an invitation to birthday party intended to selected friends but accidentally sent it as a “public” invitation and was surprised to see so many people turned up at her doorstep for her party.

She ran out of her house and called the police, who came to help control the crowd. The news article also said that most people behaved well but there were some disturbances, still. Well, people may claim they know how to use the internet but when they don’t even know how to set up an invitation…. but then again, can anyone put anything up on a public domain and trust it to work as it should?

Talk On Cyber Security

I attended a talk on cyber security yesterday morning. Although this talk is aimed at higher secondary school students, it is actually applicable to many of us who use the internet.

However, I felt that it’s too bad that the speaker focused his talk on Facebook only, maybe due to time constraints, because the internet is so much larger than just Facebook, don’t you agree?

I felt that it would be more meaningful if he speaker could touch on topics like spotting scam email and the importance of remembering not to click on links that come in via email, instant messaging or private messaging, even if they may seem like these messages are from people we know.

Flickr Now Keeps Deleted Photos For 90 Days

This is certainly good news for Flickr users. You know how many of us tend to delete photos from our online albums because they are no longer relevant or so we thought, or maybe we have accidentally deleted one or two photos thinking we no longer need them?

Flickr has now taken this fear off our shoulders by keeping our deleted images for an extra 90 days so that we can still access them in case we change our minds or have discovered that they are missing because we have accidentally deleted them. This is great, isn’t it?

Now, if only Flickr will give us more storage. Some of my friends need to register a few accounts just to enjoy Flickr’s free service.

Administrator Password Removal Software

The other day, my friend told me that he has to send in his laptop to the repair shop as he couldn’t log in. He has forgotten his administrator password, you see and has misplaced his Windows CD. A situation like this is not uncommon actually, when we run a few systems and over the years, we can forget something as vital as a login password. To avoid this problem, I don’t set a login password on my laptop even though I take it out of the house regularly.

My friend told me that he was able to take delivery of his laptop pretty quickly but he had to pay a hefty service fee. I later found out that there is a software for Password Removal for Vista 7 XP and Server 2008/2003 that easily resets the password to enable us to log in to the system.

While you may have heard of a few similar software, this one by The Password Pros stands apart from the rest because they are the developers of the software, which means you do not have to pay unnecessary affiliate fees and you can be sure to get the technical support that you need in-house.

In addition, this is the top choice of consumers and corporate customers because of the multitude of support provided including IDE/SATA/SAS, SCSI chipsets and hardware RAID.

Many of us who run a few systems would have the problem of using different Windows operating systems. With The Password Pros, though, this isn’t a problem at all as the software works on all versions of windows from Windows XP to Windows 2000, NT, 2003/2008 Server, Windows Vista and also Win7.

Some people like to buy this software to keep as standby in case a situation like what my friend went through arises but even for people who do not have this software, they can make an instant purchase from the website of The Password Pros using a working computer, and the link to download the software will be sent by email. So just burn it on a CD and run the CD on the problematic computer.

PSN Broken Possibly Until 31st May

It’s sad what has happened to PlayStation Network. Nope, I don’t own a PlayStation but my friends who do, are complaining that they cannot do anything with the device anymore!

It’s weird that previously, many of these friends, all adults, were addicted to PlayStation. I figure by now, many would have weaned themselves of PlayStation already. If they found that they were not able to kick their PlayStation addiction previously, they are all forced to go cold turkey now. By the time PlayStation Network goes back to business, these people would have found something else to occupy their time and hands already.

And as I said, it’s amazing that this could happen to SONY, a reputable brand name for decades, well-known and trusted around the world. This damage has caused them billions of dollars. I wonder how long it would take the company to salvage their reputation, and how much.

Transitioning a Business

My friend asked me if I would like to join him in his business. He is employed full time and hence, feels that he does not have enough time to devout on his own business venture. Since I work for myself, he feels that I am the best person in this partnership.

I am not sure if I am able to commit the time he requires of his partner since I have my hands full as well but I did ask him to try this Change management software to see how he could take his business a step further, without having to take on a partner, for the time being.

While my friend is very resourceful, running this change management software will help him look at his business set up from a different perspective and with solutions offered, he could adopt early intervention measures to keep his business in check, or better yet, propelling it a notch higher.

Gmail Importance Marker

I logged in to my Gmail account the other day and came across this new feature which allows us to add importance to a particular email or sender. And at the same time, we also can decrease importance of a certain email or sender.

I manage three Gmail accounts actually but after coming across this feature in one of the accounts, I have yet to see the same feature available in the other two Gmail accounts.

I kind of like it, so I hope that this feature will be rolled out to all Gmail accounts so that I can use it. I’m sure every one of us is overwhelmed with emails daily and it would be great to put more importance to some senders!