I have always believed that blogs will be here to stay no matter what and a company that is smart will make use of this opportunity by setting up a blog to keep customers informed of the company’s progress and update them on the latest products or trends. In fact, my buddy recently wrote an article about matching the layout of a website with its blog.
Coincidentally, after reading her article, I came across a website with a matching blog. Future Steel Buildings, a Canadian company that is the leading designer and manufacturer in the construction of steel buildings, also believe that a blog can increase their online presence. Did you know that blogs are favored by the search engines over conventional websites? This means that what we publish on our blogs are easily picked up by the major search engines.
If you think that the blog of a steel company can’t be all that interesting then you are wrong to prejudge. There are other interesting articles as well. To be able to keep the blog updated regularly for a year now shows they are doing something right.
If you are interested in blogs like me, then check outthe blog of Future Steel Buildings. You would be surprised what you will find there!