All posts by The Artist

Meeting The Minimum Requirements Only

Last week, Ted of PPP tore a postie’s blog apart publicly on the PPP blog. Well, some thought it was bad taste, some said this is a good way for us posties to learn what to do and do them right, and what not to do lest we garner more bans from advertisers.

Anyway, the posties decided that it would be better to volunteer their blogs to be  dissected publicly instead of being targeted at like the first blogger.

From the first few blogs that were reviewed by the head himself, he was saying that their sponsored posts were meeting the minimum requirements ONLY. In the first place, I had thought that these advertisers are not really seeking advertisement on blogs, but rather buying links. The more popular a blog is, the higher the advertiser offers.

And the fact that we have to write a few paragraphs of words is because the search engines pick up text better if it was surrounded by text of similar subject. When I joined PPP, I understood that I am not writing and publishing sponsored posts to persuade my readers to click on the links of the advertisers. If they click on them due to genuine interest, then well and good, but if they did not, the value is still there on a Google Page Rank 3 blog.

However, does that mean that my blog will remain a three forever? No, the posts will still be there even if I managed to achieve a Google Page Rank of 5, for example. So what does it mean that most posts only meet the minimum requirement?

Writing sponsored posts reminds me of an old story. There was once when I was still in school and we were required to write an essay. My classmate wrote an essay, inserting “You are a jerk” right in the middle of the essay and the teacher gave her a large tick at the bottom of the page.

Where is the relevance? I don’t know. Writing sponsored posts just reminds me of that very funny episode.


A few days ago, I received an invitation from Text Link Ads to implement AuctionAds on my blog. While this is another opportunity to monetize the blog, I wonder how relevant the ads will be.

Take for example my buddy, Cyberpartygal. She is an eBayer herself. Do you think that she will want to drive people to another eBay auction? I would think that for blogs like hers, it would be more logical to run her own product ad, using the free services of Auctiva Store and, for example.

Even for my non-commercial blog, I would rather have visitors STAY on my blog and not go to a third party site even if I may be getting paid for that. How many people do you think will actually “take an action” at the eBay auction, which I take it to mean, “place a bid”.

I’m not known as a pessimist for nothing, though I rather think of myself as a realist.

Lost in CSS-ville

As you can see, my problems with WordPress plug-ins have finally been resolved. I asked so many people for help but none did. In the end, it was my blog host who helped me. I hate asking for help but boy, am so glad that the problems are over. I swear I am not going to add anything else to the blog. I would hate to keep asking for help. I realize since young that nobody will extend his help if there is no personal benefit. I am sad to say this but it is true.

I can understand if the people I asked have next to nothing knowledge on WordPress or Cascading Style Sheets but no, they even WORK in this line.

I know that people are busy with their own work but aren’t friends supposed to help a friend out? To my logic, if you snub me, then you do not treat me as a friend and hence you are not worthy of my friendship.

Recent Posts & Previous/Next Post

My head is getting bigger and bigger due to these two WordPress issues. I have been trying for the past two weeks to implement a column for Recent Posts on my sidebar and also Previous/Next Post links on my single post page.

Ah.. headache. I just wish there is somebody, anybody, who could help me with these issues once and for all. I am a user and not a creator. I only know how to use. Please help me with this!

Since last month, I have been rather disappointed with some people. Before that, there have been people who told me to go ahead and host my own blogs, they will help me with everything. Host I did, but where have those people gone to? They even brushed me aside brusquely.

I guess I have only myself to depend on. This is going to be one long lonely road to travel. I hate it but I am forced to do it. What stupidity.

Remembering Who I Am Today

I read a blog comment recently which says the following: I blog to remember who I am. This aptly sums up my post, My Blog, My Diary.

I don’t know about others but for me, time really flies. Sometimes I wonder where every minute has gone to. Did I waste my time doing inane things? I think I did, especially when I was younger. Thankfully, I am more focused now.

I do not blog for other people to read. I am not an attention seeker. My main purpose of blogging is to record down the milestones in my life, the good and the bad times and generally the things that have happened to me.

Things that may affect me much and seem like a big issue now may feel like only a minor irritation years down the road. Irritation like a small grain of sand in the shoe that is soon forgotten, if not for it being typed out.


I don’t understand people. They make noise when their internet surfing habits are tracked by cookies or spyware, maybe by some toolbars installed or something like the notorious Alexa Toolbar.

But then how come so many people install MyBlogLog on their blogs? Well, none of my blogs have MyBlogLogs. I am not a member of this service but from what I understand, this tracks blog visitor activity right down to which URL he (or she) has clicked.

And if you want to track your blog readers, you have to join the service and let it track YOUR activity when you visit blogs of fellow MyBlogLog members.

I mean, why would I want the blog owner to know when I have visited his (or her) blog and which posts I read and for how long, etc.? If I wanted the owner to know, I will leave a comment.

To me, what MyBlogLog is doing isn’t that far off from what Alexa is doing, except that MyBlogLog tracks blogs only while Alexa tracks the internet as a whole.

Blogging Vet

These past two weeks, I spent much time at the vet’s. I had the opportunity to talk to him and he told me that he is in the process of setting up a website, and it has yet to launch. I told him about blogging and gave him the idea of setting up a blog as well.

A blog will serve as a platform for pet owners and lovers to hold a dialogue with the vet and it gives the opportunity for people to ask questions and have them answered in an unbiased and professional way. Of course, we can search for answers on the internet as well, but how can we relate that to our pet? Is the information applicable to our pet?

If a vet can satisfy our questions and clear our doubts, pet owners will then make an appointment with this particular vet for further treatment. I am sure that pet owners from other states would not mind traveling to see a good and competent vet. I know I wouldn’t.

Of course, this service may be free, but it all boils down to the same thing in the end if the vet is able to win over the pet owner.

No doubt, this service has been available in the United States for quite some time but don’t tell me we are going to send our pets all the way there for treatment? I hope that he will take up my suggestion and revolutionize the veterinary scene in Malaysia.